A Bohemian Dream- Brunching at Grind, Greenwich

Nestled in the heart of Greenwich, a borough famous for its rich history and vibrant atmosphere, lies Grind Cafe, a hidden gem that promises a delightful sensory experience. With its cozy ambiance, top-notch coffee, and mouthwatering menu, this charming café has become a favorite among locals and visitors alike. Join me as I delve into my recent visit to Grind Cafe and explore all the reasons why it should be on every cafe lover’s radar.

Why Strength is the Real Key to Longevity

hen we are trying to find the essential ways of looking after our health we can spend a lot of time digging deep into the right diet habits and approaches that are considered gospel. The biggest problem is that when we are chasing the latest fads, thinking it’s the key to longevity, we are neglecting our own body in the process. We are individuals, and when it comes to longevity, there are three things that it is influenced by: genetics, environment, and lifestyle. We can’t do anything about our genetics, and apart from moving to another climate, there is very little we can do about our environment. When it comes to lifestyle, there are so many factors, but here are two key approaches that we should all think about when it comes to longevity that focus on one key thing: strength. 

1990 Beauty Caffeine Gel Booster Review

I don’t know if you notice but recently I’ve been much more interested in speaking about beauty products. Now I am approaching the big 40; I am more invested than ever in my skincare and finding top quality products that will help to enhance my skin and positively add to my current skincare regimen which is working really well at the moment. However, I am always on the look out for that ‘little extra’ and have found it!

#TheLuxeList – Luxury Swimsuits We All Need This Summer

Welcome my loves to a brand new edition to – #TheLuxeList is my carefully curated list of high fashion brands that I am lusting over. I will be choosing top quality clothing and accessories as well as home decor which will be showcased in weekly lists.

Making a Statement in My Pink Feather Boohoo Dress

I have made the decision to only purchase outfits that turn heads and I think I achieved that with this dress. It has been over a year since I have shot outfit posts outside so it was essential that my return to pound the pavement was a momentous one.

The Ultimate Father’s Day Gift Guide With Boots 

I enjoy buying gifts for those I love, and it makes things easier when I can venture online to look for inspiration to help me choose the perfect present for my loved one. I am endlessly perusing shopping sites to find what I am looking for, and creating gift idea posts on Pinterest to ensure I am one step ahead.So you can only imagine how excited I was to be contacted by the leading Health and Beauty retailer Boots to collaborate on their “Love For All Dads” campaign

Meet the TYMO: The Only Hair Straightening Tool You Need

You guys know that it’s been a while since I sat down and typed a dedicated post about a hair product, especially as I have already spoke at length on my INSTAGRAM about how fantastic the TYMO is. However, after using this product for several more weeks, decided that needed to mention it to because it is honestly the real deal.