Lifestyle Blogger

Traveling Soon? Remember Not To Forget

Travel can be hard and travel can be easy. The biggest problem is that travel is easy. We travel to different countries for their culture, to see new places and meet new people. But with travel comes a few problems of its own- one being that it’s so simple, that we don’t realise the hassle that goes into it until after we’ve finished our holiday. The essentials like hand sanitiser and bottled water is a given, but let’s take a look at the other basic items easily forgotten.

Tips To Stop Your Spin Class From Spinning Out Of Control

Exercise classes can provide a fantastic way to boost your energy levels and incentivise your fitness drive. Obviously, sessions like these come in all shapes and sizes, but for those of us looking to have a good time, modern options like spin class can seem like the ideal choice.

Want To Keep Healthy As You Age? Here’s How

Staying healthy can be difficult at the best of times. As you get older, that could become more difficult. You might find that you’ll have more issues to address, and older problems may be getting worse.
While you might think that these are things you have to put up with as you get older, that doesn’t have to be the case. Though some age-related issues might be unavoidable, you can minimize the impact of aging with a few specific habits.

Why You Should Be Encouraging Your Kids To Travel

If you’re the parent to a growing kid, especially as they start to get into their teens, you should be helping them find the experiences that enrich their life. Aside from doing well in their academics and getting involved in extracurriculars, you can also help them better enrich their lives by taking advantage of the travel opportunities that come their way. Here are some of the reasons why.

Questions To Ask Before Getting A BOTOX Treatment

BOTOX is slowly but surely becoming one of the most sought after anti ageing skin treatment solutions for both men and women alike these days. In the days gone by, it was a treatment that was pretty common for celebrities but now, it is adopted by every Jane or Joe.

The Keys to a Healthy Body, Mind, and Spirit

There’s no fast route to happiness, but at the very least, you’d hope that you’re putting your energy into things that’ll bring happiness at one stage. Material items and wealth can be one source of joy, but they’re unlikely to bring long-lasting joy. Or rather, they’re not the things that’ll allow you to experience fulfilment. If you’re content in your body, mind, and spirit, however, then it’ll be much more likely that you can identify and experience joy when it arrives. In this blog, we’re going to run through some key ideas that’ll lead to just that.

Dumping my Acrylics for Azizi Press-On Nails

My lovelies, I’ve been a way from the blog for over a week and let’s just say life has taken over in many ways and I have been struggling with my motivation levels of late as many aspects of my personal life has changed and I can’t lie, it’s knocked me. However, I know some of these happpenings are for the best. While i’ve been away however; I have been taking care of my beauty and self-care needs because I am an advocate to the saying that no matter how you feel you muct show up and stand out no matter what.

Always Keeping It Simple! Hydrating Sheet Mask Review

Whenever I trawl through women’s magazines. (I just so happen to be currently reading the July edition of Cosmopolitan) I often flick through the beauty section to see what the latest beauty buys are. However, I often find that so many of the products are costly and to be honest, having had acne as a teenager I have found that there are many affordable products on the market that are just as effective and useful in helping with maintaining good skin.

The Must-Have Tools You Need As an Independent Personal Trainer

Setting up as an independent personal trainer is a great way to have control over your own career. You might have to hustle to ensure you have a steady stream of clients, but you can decide how to offer your services and who to work with. As an independent personal trainer, you might find places to offer classes and training sessions or you could decide to offer your services online. Whichever one you decide is best for you, you need some essential tools to help you grow your business and manage your clients. The right tools will get you set up so that you can run your business professionally and cover the management side of your business, as well as providing training services.

#GetBaking | Vegan Raspberry and Almond Gluten Free Muffins from Stem & Glory

I’m pretty lucky to get the chance to collaborate and share my platform with some amazing and reputable individuals and brands. I know my lovelies you must be aware by now that Sasha cannot bake! However, that doesn’t mean I cannot get the experts in to offer some healthier alternatives to some of my baking favourites.