
New Year, New You: 4 Health-Based Resolutions to Make For 2023

As another year draws to a close, it comes time for people to look at what they want to do with their lives for the upcoming year. New Years’ Resolutions have long been a tradition in many cultures, but did you know the average time span for someone to commit to their resolution is around 6 weeks? Most people’s motivation trails off a little from this point, if not before.

How To Stay Healthy This Winter: How To Prep Your Mind, Body and Home

With winter setting in, the lure of cozy sweaters and crackling fires is strong. But to stay healthy and active all year long, we must prepare our minds and bodies ahead of time. From stocking up on remedies for itchy ears and throat to planning daily exercise routines, here are three key steps you can take to stay healthy this winter:

What You Need to Know About Pregnancy and Exercise

Pregnancy and exercise are a perfectly safe combination. In fact, doctors recommend you exercise when with child. Exercising when pregnant is usually safe, but it can be dangerous if done wrong. So, there are some things you need to be aware of first. Some are included here.

The Perfect Date Night Dress from FemmeLuxe

This is my first official collaboration with FemmeLuxe and it comes in the form of this super sultry and sexy satin dress in the most beautiful shades of blue. It’s almost diamond like and is super soft on the skin and perfect for that hot date. The great thing about Femmeluxe which has always been a massive selling feature for me is the price point. They create affordable, on-trend clothing that doesn’t break the bank and with these current times, it’s a major strength as we as women still want to look and feel our best.

How To Get Yourself Into Better Shape

The good news is that if you aren’t physically fit currently, you can head down a different path with some effort and lifestyle changes. Once you commit to it, it won’t be long before you love the way you look and feel. Be proud of yourself for being willing to put in the hard work and refocus your energy in a positive way.

U Got Jokes is BACK with a Star Studded Line-Up For “We Outside” in London

U Got Jokes is a UK comedy production company specialising in providing audiences with the best comedy experiences, having access to the most exclusive comedians Worldwide. Brace yourself for a night filled with banter, fun, games, jokes and live music; culminating in a room full of belly laughs from a lineup not to be missed this Winter!

Daily Fit Check | Zebra Print For The Win

Hey my loves, long time no post. I’ve been a bit vacant on here. Particularly where fashion is concerned. That’s mainly because your girl has been a lot more active on YOUTUBE. (Go ME!)

The Best Guide to Help You Get a Good Night’s Sleep

It’s fair to say that regularly having a full night of quality rest is so important for countless different aspects of your life. 

However, it can often seem really hard to achieve this, especially if you are suffering from high levels of stress or anxiety. Lack of sleep can lead to bad memory, shortened attention span, and overall a worse quality of life amongst other things, so there’s no time like the present to make a few positive changes so that you can sleep better.

My Current Favourite Scent – Vera Wang ‘Princess’

Guys, I have developed a major love for perfumes and have quite an extensive collection so I have decided to share my scent of the week on I have also been coming up with a few additional sections that I will be introducing shortly including: The Luxe List- my compilations of my top picks from high end/ high fashion brands and Fashion Focus- Sharing my views on celebrity fashion collaborations with the leading Fast fashion brands. is expanding and I am really excited about where I will be taking this site over the coming months.

The Perfect Colour Combo In Shein

Could this be my most favourite look to date? This may sound like quite a massive statement but this is a look that I honestly feel I nailed. If you consider the fact that I was going to team this gorgeous dress with yellow shoes and accessories to begin with; then half-way deciding to switch it up with orange and just like that an epic colour combo was created.