Why You Should Be Encouraging Your Kids To Travel

If you’re the parent to a growing kid, especially as they start to get into their teens, you should be helping them find the experiences that enrich their life. Aside from doing well in their academics and getting involved in extracurriculars, you can also help them better enrich their lives by taking advantage of the travel opportunities that come their way. Here are some of the reasons why.

It helps children become more confident

Nowadays, with the ability to plug into the world-wide-web and vicariously experience just about anything, it’s becoming easier and easier for kids to end up spending the majority of their life in their comfort zone. If they never challenge themselves, they never grow. Encouraging your kid to take advantage of travel opportunities that they find is one way to help push them out of the bubble that their life otherwise offers. It might be a little scary at first but the self-confidence they can develop as they become more competent and used to travel is worth that momentary worry.

It can be greatly educational

Now, you don’t want to become one of those parents willing to miss the forest for the trees, to make sure that every single thing your child does help with their school attainment. However, travel is highly beneficial for education, hence why school trips exist in the first place. When kids travel, they learn about different places, cultures, histories, and climates. What’s more, it’s not unlikely that travelling to a destination might spark an interest in the language that can lead to some very useful skills down the road.

It can make them more mindful

The chance to see how other people in the world live is also the opportunity to teach children a sense of responsibility and even duty to the world around them. This can be done simply by teaching them to be more conscientious when you do travel or you can even look into joining them on volunteer travel opportunities, where you can lend direct aid to the people, habitats, wildlife and environment that you visit. This can help you raise a young person who is much more mindful and considerate of the world.

It helps grow a new hobby

One of the best hobbies that an adult can develop is to travel. Helping your child grow up to become a traveller is an easy way to open up the door to a lifetime of fulfilling and exciting experiences that continue to broaden their worldview for as long as they are alive. The habits that we’re most likely to keep are those that we develop from a young age, so be sure to help your child develop a habit for travel that becomes second nature to them.

Travel helps develop us just as much as any other kind of life experience. The greater diversity that we experience, the more we learn, the more confident that we become, and the better our chances of maintaining it as a habit as we grow.


My Birthday Experience at ‘Oche’ at The Strand

I typically prefer a low-key celebration for my birthday, cherishing the blessing of another year and feeling grateful for it. This year was no exception, though it did have its special moments. After a lovely meal with my mum at The Blues Kitchen, my boyfriend surprised me with a trip to Oche, the fabulous digital darts venue on The Strand.

Experience an Unforgettable Ramadan at Vida Hotels and Resorts with Exceptional Iftar Offers and More

Ramadan is the month of fasting, feasting, and connecting with loved ones, and Vida Hotels and Resorts has the latter two covered for you. For guests staying for three days or longer, Vida Hotels and Resorts offers a complimentary Iftar for two people. Enjoy traditional and international favourites prepared by talented chefs as you soak in the stunning ambience and make fond memories with loved ones. 


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